martes, 26 de abril de 2016

My little beautiful puppy

Locky is a little toy poodle dog. He came to my family on january, 2010 when he was 3 months old. He came to us because my dad’s cousin had a female poodle which had 3 puppies. My uncle decided to give us one of them and my dad chose Locky because it was quiter than his siblings.

Locky is white, very furry and also is smaller than others toy poodles. He likes to run around my grandmother's field, and bark to my grandfather's sheeps (when he does it, in the end of the day he's very tired and dirty so he isn't so white anymore).
Locky is the happiest in home when I arrive to Concepción, he’s  part of my family and although he’s an adult, he always will be my little puppy.

4 comentarios:

  1. OMG! you called "locky" like the Chin-chan's dog (LOL). I think that all pets are the happiest in home, your dog is so beautiful, congratulations :)!

  2. I had already heard of Locky once hahah I finally know him! He looks very happy and funny in your home, especially with that tie haha

    See you soon!

  3. Why is he wearing a tie on that picture? LOOOL

    Is ironic the fact that your father choose him because he was quiet and on your grandpa's field he yells to the sheeps, but maybe is just instinct. At least he doesn't eat them like my dog Pancho :(

    Now I know why you always talk about him just like you talk about your parents and your sisters: he's part of your family too! Maybe the tie was for making him look more human, right? Lol

    See you!

  4. poodle dogs are very adorable, especially Locky using that tie! although I can not imagine a quiet poodle hahaha, they are so restless
