martes, 12 de abril de 2016

Why did I choose journalism?

My first interview in 2010. Please ignore my misspellings D:
When I was a child I thought that I could be a good veterinary, I've always loved animals so I thought it was a good idea until I realized that the biology isn't for me.

In highschool I started loving english language and I also participated in a school magazine and in a radio station, so when I had to apply to universities careers I was between being an english interpreter or a journalist.
"Welcome to the university" 

I finally decided to study journalism because I think here I can also learn english, but being an interpreter I can't be a journalist too. Until now, I’m not regretted about my decision because I discovered that in journalism you can learn about other study areas and that’s wonderful!

Finally, in the future I’d like to work in radio again or maybe in investigation proyects. 

6 comentarios:

  1. What can I say? It's awesome to be sure of your decision after all this time. I've always said that in the future you will be a BBC reporter! there you will mixing the both worlds, just like Hannah Montana (thank you, thank you, don't you bother) hahaha

    Being serious, you really deserve that. Or something bigger! :]

  2. Did you ever thought about mixing your love for animals with your career? I mean, today animals are so invisible to our society and maybe in world of communications they could finding the voice that they need to protect their rights.
    Anyway, it's awesome that you are glad in your career (Y)

  3. I wanted to be a veterinary too! And I'd like to work in radio too hahaha I hope we'll meet someday in a place like that. I remember that I wanted to study a career in languages, but I finally decided by journalism.

    See you soon!

  4. That's cool how you wanna mix the english with journalism, this can open you a million of professional posibilities!

    See u :)!

  5. it's great that you want to dedicate to the radio! (i also like that), maybe we could make a show together for the university radio :)

  6. I want to work in radio, too! Like you, I had the experience before and i think it's amazing.
    See you :)
