jueves, 16 de junio de 2016

My blogging experience

Writing blogs weekly, has been a really good way to learn english and practice what we learn in classes.
Personally, my english skills the most of the time were related with the listening or speaking area, but writing extensive texts, it wasn’t something that I practiced in highschool.
Usually, I try to practice in my listening and speaking skills of english in my daily routine, either when I watch tv series or programs in english, or when I speak some phrases in english with my sisters and friends. But my writing skills weren’t so developed until now. And I love that we were able to develop this area, writing about interesting and entertaining topics for us.
I remember that at first I thought we would have to write about boring topics, but every week I was glad when I realized that the themes were about entertaining and interesting things that no one could write about it better than ourselves. Perhaps someday even we could write about a funny anecdote or about our best friend! :D

In the future I’d like to keep writing and reading blogs, but maybe I would include more listening and speaking activities. Maybe that we could record in audio the text that now we write in our blogs, and then continue commenting textually in our classmates' posts.

Reflections over the Strike

Since I live in Concepción, I’m one of those girls who when someone said “indefinite strike”, immediately goes to buy tickets to go to her city (I’m very close to my family). But not because of that I’m completely lost in the strike. I have friends who tell me everything I need to know about it, and I also read about the discussions in Facebook pages related with ICEI.

I think that the fight that we are making as students is completely fair. We’re demanding just something that the Government promised to us: free universal education. And not just a scholarship disguised in gratuitousness.

Also it’s great that finally secondary and college students are united in something. So far today, there’re 20 universities (private ones too) and 40 schools in strike.

The only problem, at least in ICEI is that there’s very few people truly involved in the strike. I mean, 161 people voted to indefinite strike and now only 70 or 80 are going to the assemblies.

But besides everything, and analyzing all the previous strikes (2006,2011,2013), I’ve learnt that unity makes strength, and that if the students aren’t listened in meetings with the education minister, strikes and takeovers are a good idea to be taken into account. 

martes, 14 de junio de 2016

A Subject I've enjoyed studying this semester

This semester I only have four subjects in college. Two of them are exclusive for the journalism career and the other two are imparted for the filmmaking and journalism careers.
The exclusive journalism subjects are “Derecho a la Información” and “Crónica y Entrevista”. And since I don’t like anything related with laws or lawyers (my professor is one), my favorite subject is Crónica y Entrevista.
When we’re in classes we write, discuss, and make presentations about which topics we’re going to make the chronicles about. This semester I already have written about “a chilean worker” and a “political violence victim”.
Our teacher is called Tania Tamayo, she is journalist and has been my teacher since the first semester of the career, so we already have learned in the past two semesters the contents that helps us to make the chronicles and the interviews correctly.
Some contents are about journalistic drafting, how to make interviews or different journalistic genres.
What I like about this subject is that we’re making practical all we have learned the last year. Also, the teacher has written a lot of articles and books, so she tells us about her own experiences in the journalistic field. 

martes, 7 de junio de 2016


Part 1- Calculate your carbon footprint!
Ø What’s your carbon footprint?
      I calculated my carbon footprint with the Secondary part, because I didn't have the information to complete the other sections. My carbon footprint is 3,87 metric tons of CO2 per year.
Ø What’s the average carbon footprint of a person?
The average footprint for people is 3.87 metric tons in Chile.

Part 2 - Take these Recycling Quizzes
Ø Hand washing dishes can use up to 50 % more of water than using an efficient dishwasher.
Ø Only about 8 % of global energy comes from renewables.
Ø True or false? Appliances that are turned off don’t use any electricity.
     A: False.
Ø Can you make paper out of hemp?
A: Yes, and it is the most humane and clean option.

Part 3- Video >> Top ten tips for recycling
Watch the video and choose the best 3 tips in your opinion.
1.    I think the number 10 is great, especially when we go to de supermarket. Supermarkets give us a lot of plastic bags! And having just one for life sounds perfect for recycle.
2.    The idea number 6 is awesome too. Squashing plastic bottles for make more space in the trash is something that I'd have never thought for recycling.

3.    I liked the idea number 5 too. Usually people never throw food in two bags and then tie a knot on them. And because of it, sometimes stray dogs break the bags with the trash and make a totally disaster in the street.

Some day I'll visit all this places!


Entrance Fee
Tube Station
Travel Zone
London Eye
Zone 1

The Tate Modern Art Gallery
Zone 1
The British Museum
Tottenham Court Road
Zone 1


The Tower of London
£23.10 (online)
Tower Hill
Zone 1


Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum
£23.79 (online)
Baker Street
Zone 1


Kew Gardens
14 £ (online)
Kew Gardens Station
Zone 3

Kew Gardens

Camden Market
Camden town
Zone 2

Camden Market

The Natural History Museum
South Kensington
Zone 1

Tate Britain
Zone 1

Total Costs

martes, 31 de mayo de 2016

A person that I admire

The person that I admire is Rodrigo Fluxá. He is a journalist graduated in the Universidad de Chile on 2002. Rodrigo now works in Revista El Sábado from the newspaper El Mercurio.
He has written articles and books like “Solos en la Noche: Zamudio y sus asesinos” (the story behind the murder of Daniel Zamudio), “El lado B del deporte chileno”, "El Extraño Mundo de Johnny", “Leones” and many others.
I admire Rodrigo because in his young age, he has written several articles and reports about very known cases. And because he is very talented. So talented that he even won the award “Periodismo de Excelencia” from the Universidad Alberto Hurtado on 2011, plus many other prizes like the award “Pobre el que no cambia de Mirada” for his article "Vida y encierro de un encapuchado arrepentido" on 2011, or the award “Periodismo en Educación” on 2013.
Also, the fact that he is young and has accomplished so many things, it motivates me to imitate him and be like him some day.

martes, 24 de mayo de 2016

A Meal I Like to Cook for Myself :D

Spirals noodles. So good <3

The meal that i like to cook for myself, are noodles with a chicken and mushroom sauce.
This is a recipe created by a friend of my sister. He told her how to make it and when she cooked the meal in home, I learned it. I don't know the name of it, but are normal spaghettis, but with a delicious sauce made with cream, mushrooms and chicken pieces.

I like to cook this food everytime I have a whim of not-healthy food (it has many calories hahaha). But I insist, it's delicious and easy to make.

You only need to do regular noodles and then when you do the sauce, you have to fry and cook the chicken pieces with salt, sunflower oil and condiments in a pan.

When they are cooked you put the mushrooms, and after a few minutes, add the cream. You need to keep in the fire until the sauce is completly cooked and thick. Finally you only have to serve it with the spaghetti. That's all, cook it and enjoy it!