jueves, 16 de junio de 2016

Reflections over the Strike

Since I live in Concepción, I’m one of those girls who when someone said “indefinite strike”, immediately goes to buy tickets to go to her city (I’m very close to my family). But not because of that I’m completely lost in the strike. I have friends who tell me everything I need to know about it, and I also read about the discussions in Facebook pages related with ICEI.

I think that the fight that we are making as students is completely fair. We’re demanding just something that the Government promised to us: free universal education. And not just a scholarship disguised in gratuitousness.

Also it’s great that finally secondary and college students are united in something. So far today, there’re 20 universities (private ones too) and 40 schools in strike.

The only problem, at least in ICEI is that there’s very few people truly involved in the strike. I mean, 161 people voted to indefinite strike and now only 70 or 80 are going to the assemblies.

But besides everything, and analyzing all the previous strikes (2006,2011,2013), I’ve learnt that unity makes strength, and that if the students aren’t listened in meetings with the education minister, strikes and takeovers are a good idea to be taken into account. 

5 comentarios:

  1. I'm not involved in the strike, but I have friends that tell me everything about it too. Although I don't attend meetings, I think the people who voted for indefinite strike should be more present and do responsable for their vote!

  2. The participation in ICEI is very low, but I think they were intense. And because of that intensity of the movement the few who are involved get exhausted, and the strike falls down.

    PS: Isn't too late now to say sorry? (8)

  3. I do not understand those people who vote for indefinite strikes and then do not participate, I do not participate in the strike but it's because I do not share that way.

  4. Is interesting how people which lives away of their family return to their cities in the strikes. I understand them a lot. Not be with the people that you love is not nice.

  5. It is unfortunate the low turnout, it may be good to seek new ways to attract the attention of the authorities and other partners. Enjoy Conception. See you!
