martes, 26 de abril de 2016

My little beautiful puppy

Locky is a little toy poodle dog. He came to my family on january, 2010 when he was 3 months old. He came to us because my dad’s cousin had a female poodle which had 3 puppies. My uncle decided to give us one of them and my dad chose Locky because it was quiter than his siblings.

Locky is white, very furry and also is smaller than others toy poodles. He likes to run around my grandmother's field, and bark to my grandfather's sheeps (when he does it, in the end of the day he's very tired and dirty so he isn't so white anymore).
Locky is the happiest in home when I arrive to Concepción, he’s  part of my family and although he’s an adult, he always will be my little puppy.

lunes, 25 de abril de 2016

Southern in boots

Like a good southern girl, I love winter! And when you love winter, you have to be prepared to endure it. That’s because my favorite piece of technology are my leather boots with fleece.
This pair of shoes has accompanied me since 2012 when my aunt gave it to me, and since then, I wear them every winter or whenever it's cold.  I like my boots because they are very warm, and their chinese heels platform make me look taller.

Look at my feet!
The way you can use this boots is really easy, this kind of boots don’t have zipper so you only have to put it on your feet!

I already know how is be without my boots, because I thought this year I couldn't be able to use them again because their old age. Even I had to use another boots, but it wasn’t the same…until my aunt sent to fix them, so I've them again and now I can use them everytime it’s cold!

martes, 12 de abril de 2016

Why did I choose journalism?

My first interview in 2010. Please ignore my misspellings D:
When I was a child I thought that I could be a good veterinary, I've always loved animals so I thought it was a good idea until I realized that the biology isn't for me.

In highschool I started loving english language and I also participated in a school magazine and in a radio station, so when I had to apply to universities careers I was between being an english interpreter or a journalist.
"Welcome to the university" 

I finally decided to study journalism because I think here I can also learn english, but being an interpreter I can't be a journalist too. Until now, I’m not regretted about my decision because I discovered that in journalism you can learn about other study areas and that’s wonderful!

Finally, in the future I’d like to work in radio again or maybe in investigation proyects. 

martes, 5 de abril de 2016

My autobiography :D

My sisters and I in elementary school
I lived in Los Angeles since I was born on november 5th, 1996 ; until my family and I moved to Concepcion on march of 2015.
I studied in the Colonia Arabe school and in the Liceo Bicentenario Los Angeles.
We’re a very close christian family, that's why I think my hobbies are just the christians activities where I participate.
My father’s a trucker and my mom’s a housewife, while my two older sisters study  different engineering careers.

I’ve decided to study journalism because I like to communicate and bring people information that they could never be able to reach by themselves, so then they can make an opinion about it.