martes, 31 de mayo de 2016

A person that I admire

The person that I admire is Rodrigo Fluxá. He is a journalist graduated in the Universidad de Chile on 2002. Rodrigo now works in Revista El Sábado from the newspaper El Mercurio.
He has written articles and books like “Solos en la Noche: Zamudio y sus asesinos” (the story behind the murder of Daniel Zamudio), “El lado B del deporte chileno”, "El Extraño Mundo de Johnny", “Leones” and many others.
I admire Rodrigo because in his young age, he has written several articles and reports about very known cases. And because he is very talented. So talented that he even won the award “Periodismo de Excelencia” from the Universidad Alberto Hurtado on 2011, plus many other prizes like the award “Pobre el que no cambia de Mirada” for his article "Vida y encierro de un encapuchado arrepentido" on 2011, or the award “Periodismo en Educación” on 2013.
Also, the fact that he is young and has accomplished so many things, it motivates me to imitate him and be like him some day.

martes, 24 de mayo de 2016

A Meal I Like to Cook for Myself :D

Spirals noodles. So good <3

The meal that i like to cook for myself, are noodles with a chicken and mushroom sauce.
This is a recipe created by a friend of my sister. He told her how to make it and when she cooked the meal in home, I learned it. I don't know the name of it, but are normal spaghettis, but with a delicious sauce made with cream, mushrooms and chicken pieces.

I like to cook this food everytime I have a whim of not-healthy food (it has many calories hahaha). But I insist, it's delicious and easy to make.

You only need to do regular noodles and then when you do the sauce, you have to fry and cook the chicken pieces with salt, sunflower oil and condiments in a pan.

When they are cooked you put the mushrooms, and after a few minutes, add the cream. You need to keep in the fire until the sauce is completly cooked and thick. Finally you only have to serve it with the spaghetti. That's all, cook it and enjoy it!

miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2016

The story of a picture

We had wet towels on the neck
to be able to breathe in the smoke.
Okay, I know, this isn’t my best photo, but it’s okay because the story behind it, is great!
The photo it was taken by my friend Pamela, and it shows me, my sister and girl that I met that week, in a mobile police checkpoint. It was taken on February 10th this year and I like it because on that day, we literally escaped from death.
We were in a christian national camp from GBU (University Biblical Group) in a nearby place from Temuco when it started some fires in the woods. I remember watching a small explosion of fire 100 meters from us, we had to run to escape.  Thank God some rescuers helped us taking us (26 girls in one pickup car) to the road, where 2 hours later, Carabineros went to get us and take us to a refuge.

It was a completely adventure and a really heavy day but as you can see in the picture, we were just happy and grateful to God!