martes, 22 de marzo de 2016

Mix it all together and you know that it's the best of both worlds (8)

This is a logo that represents my friendship with Paula. In the right side of the picture we can see a panda, because I love that animal a lot. The panda is happy like I am and it has a pink ribbon on its head. At the beggining we did it for my favorite color, but the teacher said that is a symbol of purity, and that's make a lot of sense too.

By the other hand we have Paula's side. There's a skull (not for dead, like most people must think) for the alternative music, like punk and rock. Also we can see a guitar because she loves music. And her hair is pink too, so we have something in common.

We are divided by a puzzle, that's because we are different but we compliment each other and it makes a perfect circle.

And finally, on the bottom we have a riband with two 'thetas' (greek letters). That is a friend's joke. It all begun when we wanted to make a fraternity, so we made one by ourselves. Below there's a "since 2015" because we met each other in that year.

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